


My hearty Diwali(festival of lights) wishes to everyone who is celebrating! Sweets, dashing new clothes, joy, and most importantly being with family, may you all have all this in abundance this Diwali! 

To me, Diwali is being with family, wearing new clothes-"Diwali dress", gobbling those gulab jamuns(yummy Indian dessert), checking out which new movie is getting released, meeting all the cousins, comforting Juno, our German Shepherd, he must be running frantic right now (sad face), lighting some sparklers at the end of the day. I miss wishing(more like shouting) happy diwali to all the friends at college/work before leaving to hometown, miss being at home, miss watching Diwali special programs on TV, miss looking at the joy and festive mood in everyone, miss sharing Diwali sweets(desserts) & snacks with the neighbors, miss being pampered by my grandma and aunts, miss being surrounded by people i love, and who love me.
This Diwali, i implore you to be kind, because kindness and kind people make the world a better place. On our Vegas trip, when we were on our way to Grand Canyon, we stopped at a little city called Kingman in Arizona for dinner. There someone else paid for our dinner. When approached, the couple said that they just wanted to do something nice for someone they don't know. A random act of kindness. I was so new to the whole "pay-it-forward" concept and when it happened to us, i felt so fortunate to be in a world where kindness still exists. Kind is the new cool, people!
Above is just a personal example. You can be kind in the simplest of ways.
Even kindness begins at home, so help your mom with cooking.
Fill up the gas for your dad's vehicle.
Do not fight with your siblings, too hard?, thought so, lets scratch that off the list.
Just spend time with your grandparents, thats all they will ever need from you. Or give them the remote to watch their favorite program, i never let my grandma watch her favorite serials when i am around. 
Do not bargain with local vendors. Especially while buying flowers. I have never seen someone not bargain there.
Let someone board the bus before you. 
Offer to draw rangoli for your neighbor's place. 
Chat with the auto driver, ask how he is celebrating Diwali. 
Do not horn at the vehicle before you.
Let the neighbor keep your box along with the sweets ;)
Wish "Happy Diwali" to strangers on the road.
Pay for popcorns for the person behind you at the movie theatre.
These are just some ideas which came to my mind. There are a lot more. Check here for more random acts of kindness. And for a little fun among the celebration, one more video.

Happy Diwali!!! xo, Hems
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